Enterprise Risk Management Comprehensive Framework
ERM Comprehensive Framework
  • Effective enterprise risk oversight is essential to ensure organizations achieve their strategic objectives. Without effective risk oversight, organizations may find themselves ill-prepared for addressing the challenges of managing a complex, ever-changing risk portfolio.
  • The ERM Comprehensive Framework offers an strategic and holistic approach to identify, analyze and manage organization’s risk portfolio.
  • ERM Comprehensive Framework requires human interaction, teamwork, cross-functional participation and communication, and everyone from the CEO on down must stay aware of the risks and address them as soon as the perils are identified.
  • ERM Comprehensive Framework focuses on
    • The approach aligned with the organization's structure and strategy
    • Continuous education and improvement by focusing on business performance
    • Quantification process to measure risk impact to value
    • Coordinated enterprise-wide response to substantial risks
    • Sustained approach to create business value
  • ERM Comprehensive Framework is a flexible framework, based on PEXA® Conceptual Pattern Framework and can accommodate various risk management approaches suggested by numerous sources.
Implementing Process
  1. Clarify the organization’s objectives.
  2. Define risks and assess the current ERM environment.
  3. Analyze the organization’s ability to handle risks.
  4. Minimize each risk’s exposure or downside.
  5. Communication and Continuous Monitoring.